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Summarising applicant numbers in the 2014 undergraduate cycle, for courses with a 15 October deadline.
Posted Thu 24 October 2013 - 00:00

This statistical release summarises applicant numbers in the 2014 undergraduate cycle, for courses with an October deadline (15 October 2013). The tables enable a comparison of applicant numbers to the same deadline over the previous four cycles.

  •  Applicants have been able to submit applications for all 2014 courses since early September.
  •  15 October is the 'equal consideration' deadline for medicine/dentistry/veterinary courses and all courses at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
  •  The statistical release covers applicants selecting courses with a 15 October deadline and is a near complete measure of the demand for the courses covered by the deadline.

Commenting on the 15 October figures UCAS’ Chief Executive Mary Curnock Cook said: “It is encouraging to see that the number of UK applicants for these demanding courses is holding steady, particularly as the young population continues to fall in this group. The number of international applicants is up by 10 per cent.”

2014 applicant figures – October deadline

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