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We like to keep providers informed about the latest discussions and actions taken by our groups and forums.

Our advisory groups and nation policy groups

Our groups and forums support the smooth running of core UCAS services and help with the planning and implementation of changes to enhance services, or to comply with legal or regulatory developments.

How your feedback helps us to shape UCAS' products and services

Learn more about how our engagement activities are used to inform the development of UCAS’ products and services –Learn more about how our engagement activities are used to inform the development of UCAS’ products and services with our short online course.

Groups and forums calendar

Here you'll find the groups and forums meeting dates and venues.

Groups and forums calendar

Nation Policy Groups

Advisory and policy groups' summary report

The following report provides a high level summary of discussions covered during UCAS’ advisory and standing group meetings, pulling together the key themes. Full minutes from all meetings are available on each group's web page.

More information

You can find out more about UCAS' groups and forums, and read past minutes and papers in the password-protected providers' section of

You can also email us for more information at

Advisory group application form

Advisory group application form

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