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Career Finder terms and conditions

View our terms and conditions for use of the Career Finder service.

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the UCAS career finder service (the ‘Services’) and should be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions of the website (the ‘Website’) and UCAS’ Privacy Policy. We may review and amend any of these terms and policies from time to time and so if you use the Services over a period then you should review our Terms and Conditions on a regular basis. 

By using the Services you are deemed to have accepted and agreed to the Terms and Conditions (our ‘Agreement’). 

1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions the following words and phrases (and their plural expressions) will have the meanings given here: 

1.1. ‘Candidate’, ‘you’, ‘your’ means the jobseeker or user of the Services 

1.2. ‘UCAS’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ’our’ means the UCAS Media Limited with company registration 02737300 and registered office at Rosehill, New Barn Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, GL52 3LZ  together with its affiliates, trustees and agents;

1.3. ‘Personal Data’ has the meaning given to it by the Data Protection Act 2018 (‘Act’), as amended; 

1.4. ‘Profile’ means the information given by you to assist the functionality of the Services via your registration for the Services and any updates you make to that information, including without limitation name, address, gender, summaries of your experience, current role and educational attainment. 

1.5. ‘Recruiter’ means any user which registers to use the Services to search, identify, locate, communicate with and/or advise users with Candidate accounts for job recruitment or educational purposes. 

2. Use of Information 

2.1. While using the Services you will be given access to information which is our intellectual property.  

  • 2.1.1. You are permitted to download any material from the UCAS career finder service part of the Website to a computer or other internet connected device and/or to print such information for your own use. 
  • 2.1.2. You are not permitted to reproduce any part of the Website (including any part of the Services) without our permission. To request permission, contact the Website administrators at

2.2. By registering for any of the Services you give us permission to use the information you provide for the purpose. You can also choose to share some of your intellectual property with us and with companies who may advertise vacant positions and invite you to apply. 

2.3. By checking the appropriate options you can indicate your agreement for UCAS to share your Profile and CV with Recruiters including recruitment consultants. This means that you agree and grant UCAS:

  • 2.3.1. an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence of any rights, including intellectual property rights in your CV and Profile to use the information and property therein in whatever way we need in order to deliver the Services to which this Agreement relates; and
  • 2.3.2. the right to grant Recruiters a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence of any rights, including intellectual property rights in your CV and Profile to use the information and property therein in whatever way necessary to pursue their recruitment activities.

2.4. We will retain a copy of your CV and Profile until you delete it or close your account.

3. Registering a Candidate account

3.1. To register for the Services you will need to provide your name, title and email address and to choose a password, all of which we will retain in order to create and maintain a Candidate account for you. This information will only ever be used by us for this purpose. We have put safeguards in place to ensure that these details are not used for outbound communications other than to send you information about jobs, bulletins or newsletters you have subscribed to, news about the Services or invitations to take part in surveys to feedback on our delivery and the features of the Services.

3.2. Each time you wish to access your Candidate account or adjust your settings you will need your email and password to login.

3.3. Your login details are for your use alone and you must keep them safe and not permit or procure the use of your login details by anyone else.

3.4. You must not create additional accounts in an attempt to mislead Recruiters or us, or for any other malicious purpose. 

3.5. You are solely responsible for updating your Candidate account details.

3.6. If we believe that you have failed to comply with the requirements of 3.3 or 3.4 we reserve the right to suspend or bar your access rights to any account you have created temporarily or permanently without further notice.

4. Registering to receive jobs by email

4.1. If you wish to receive notification of newly advertised vacant positions by email you will use the job searching preferences to indicate how you wish to receive such updates. This information will only ever be used by UCAS.

4.2. We provide no warranty that our outbound email service will be compatible with your ISP or email client.

4.3. To aid safe and immediately visible receipt of any communication, add to your contacts.

5. Careers Advice and Employer Directory

5.1. UCAS presents unedited, the views and advice of respective authors who write Careers Advice or, those who provide profiles on behalf of their employers for listing in the Employers Directory, and as such neither endorses nor accepts liability for the opinions expressed therein.

5.2. Although we make every effort to ensure the truth and accuracy of the information provided, UCAS gives no warranty and makes no representations as to the quality, veracity or accuracy of the information provided.

5.3. We are under no obligation to notify any person regarding any error which may be identified.

6. Liability

6.1. Although we make reasonable commercial efforts to ensure the security, stability and continuity of the Services, UCAS provides no warranty or guarantee and makes no representation regarding the security, speed, connection, or continuity of the Website or the Services.

6.2. To the extent permitted by law and subject to paragraph 6.5 UCAS accepts no responsibility or liability to any person who uses the Services for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury, including (without limitation) loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of data, loss of income caused by any technical error or fault which arises in our delivery of the Services.

6.3. The security and stability of the internet and the safe transmission of information over the internet cannot be assured and UCAS accepts no liability for failure of transmission or loss of data in transmission over the internet.

6.4. To the extent permitted by law and subject to paragraph 7.5 UCAS accepts no responsibility or liability to any person who uses the Services for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury, including (without limitation) loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of data, loss of income or any losses or expenses caused by or arising from third party claims.

6.5. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or limits our liability to you for fraud or statements which are made fraudulently, or for death or personal injury caused by UCAS’s negligence or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the applicable law.

6.6. You warrant, represent and undertake that the information you provide in your Profile and CV and in any email or other communication with other users of the Services will be honest, accurate and complete.

6.7. You fully indemnify UCAS and hold it harmless against any loss, damages and expenses which arise in the event of any third party or parties bringing an allegation or claim against UCAS as a result of your use of the Services or any breach of our Agreement by you. 

7. Data Protection

7.1. UCAS operates the Services and as such is a registered data controller for the purposes of the Act in respect of the Personal Data you submit to use the Services on the Website.

7.2. Where you choose, using the preferences provided to share the details of your Profile and CV with the Recruiters who use the Services, by accessing those details on the Website, the Recruiters are data processors for the purposes of the Act.

7.3. When you apply to any company, or to any of the registered Recruiters or advertisers who use the Services via the Services or as a consequence of information you have found by using the Services, the recipient of your application becomes a data controller under the Act and from that point, independently of UCAS, is obliged to process your information in accordance with the obligations of a data controller.

7.4. The website of the Information Commissioner’s Office offers information and assistance with respect to your rights under the Data Protection Act 1988 and related privacy legislation (

8. General

8.1. Should any part of these Terms and Conditions prove illegal or unenforceable, then to the extent necessary to remedy such illegality or unenforceability the Terms shall be deemed amended or deleted; the remaining Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply, in full force and effect.

8.2. Except as expressly set out, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall confer any benefit or right to enforce any of the terms of our Agreement.

8.3. The Terms and Conditions together with the other terms and conditions and privacy policies to which they refer constitute the entire Agreement between you and UCAS and supersede and replace any prior arrangement, agreement or representations between UCAS and you relating to the subject matter. Nothing excludes liability for fraud or statements and representations made fraudulently on either side.

8.4. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and in the event of any dispute or claim the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Updated September 2022